Below is the graph and chart for the AVERAGE Seattle house price over the past 10 years
Now there are many ways you can interpret this data and graph.
- The average Seattle home price through the first 3 months of 2015 is $558,033
- The average Seattle home price is up 21% vs 2014.
- The average Seattle home price from 2013 to 2014 increased only 2%
- The average Seattle home price over the past 10 years has increased 11%. So only an average of 1% a year since 2005.
- The average Seattle home price has increased 96% since 2011. Or 24% a year since 2011.
- The average Seattle home price is virtually the same as it was since 2008. Therefore we have not seen any appreciation since 2008 – However, a lot has happened since then!!