Statistically the Seattle real estate market is still in a STRONG SELLER’S MARKET.
However, in my opinion the frenzy pace is not like it was a few months ago.
My Windermere office tracks sends out a questionnaire with every deal that is turned into my office. And one of the questions on the questionnaire is” how many offers were you competing against?”
Here is the data from my office
Office Stats- Competitive Offers per Transaction
January 3.65 offers per transaction
February 5.9 offers per transaction
March 3.3 offers per transaction
April 3.6 offers per transaction
May 5.3 offers per transaction
June 3 offers per transaction
July 1.4 offers per transaction
August 1.6 offers per transaction
Please note that 1.6 offers per transaction in August is a GREAT NUMBER!!! However, it is down substantially from the January through June pace.
If you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance please contact me.
Thank you,
Steve Laevastu
cell 206-226-5300